What is Takaful?

Takaful is a type of insurance based on principles of Islamic Finance.

It operates on the concept of mutual cooperation and shared responsibility among participants.

Takaful follows Islamic principles such as prohibition of interest (riba), avoidance of gambling (maysir) and excessive uncertainty (gharar), and ethical investment practices.


Where can I get health services in case of an accident?

You can visit your nearest hospital and file for a claim to be reimbursed. 


How do I make a claim? 

Send the word 'claim' to https://wa.me/254750404747, and follow the prompts, or you can scan the QR Code to claim


How fast can payments be processed? 

All valid claims will be paid out within 5 days (working days with effect from the time the insurer receives all the required documents. 


How long does the cover last?

Each policy is a single trip cover and is only valid for the duration of the trip 

You have to purchase new cover for each trip. 


What document will I be required to have, to make a claim? 

Police Abstract 

ID copy of the claimant 

Duly completed claims form 

Hospital discharge summary 

Original hospital invoices and payment receipts 

Any other document pertaining to the claim which the company may require 


Whom do I contact if I have questions or incase of a problem? 


Call MotiSure on 0750 404 747 

Email: hello@motisure.com 



Email: motisure@takafulafrica.co.ke


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MotiSure is not an insurance company, we are a technology company. We partner with leading and licensed insurance companies in Kenya to co-create and deliver innovative products tailored to make insurance affordable, transparent and accessible for all